Asset Management Dashboard

The main purpose of the Asset Management Dashboard is to allow users to get a holistic view of their real estate portfolios on supported metaverse in one place.

There are three sections in the Asset Management Dashboard page:

1. Total Portfolio Summary

A brief overview of the total number of parcels and the total floor price of all assets from supported metaverse.

2. Summary by Metaverse

A summary of the total number of parcels and the total floor price of all assets on each supported metaverse.

3. Overview of Assets by Metaverse

A detailed view of your real estate in each of the metaverse and the floor price of each real estate. Floor price of each real estate is calculated based on the following logic:

  • Decentraland: the lowest price of any real estate in Decentraland available for purchase. If the asset is an estate, floor price is calculated as (size of the estate x floor price). For example the floor price is 3 ETH and the estate is a bundle of 2 land, then the floor price of the estate is 6 ETH (3 ETH x 2).

  • The Sandbox: the lowest price of any real estate in The Sandbox available for purchase

  • Cryptovoxels: the lowest price of any real estate in the same island available for purchase

  • Somnium Space: the lowest price of any real estate of the same parcel size (S, M & XL) available for purchase

There is also an option for you to see your assets in two different views: List View & Interactive Map View

Last updated